The eerie silence of the snow-empty fieldsinvades the soft silent soul.It wavers on windblown airwaiting for wave after waveof dry water that never falls.When there…
Man of the heart, non-ideological
The eerie silence of the snow-empty fieldsinvades the soft silent soul.It wavers on windblown airwaiting for wave after waveof dry water that never falls.When there…
Do you think when the red cardinalattacks the mirroring windowit could be because of some great loss?They say he thinks he is attacking another maleto…
Among the cacopohonyone voice emerges.There have been so many…A sick wife,a sexy girlfriend,a dead mother’s echo.And there’s beenmy thundering fatherdemanding successor bankruptcy.I’m the chameleonwithout a…
I’m about to enter a tunnel.It’s long. It’s dark.It goes down… A few friendsstand with me.They won’t go with;this is my journey.But each has placeda…
1As he tills the soil, a holeopens. Blocks of concretehave fallen in the collapsed tomb.On the bottom, a skeleton,and he instantly knows: It is her.Nothing…
When I pause and clear the clutteredimages; when the noise passes away;I see through it all,and the numinous youshines through, a golden liteshimmers around your…
Every relational househas a pantry of plenty.It is filled with potential —conversations not yet had,places not yet visited,experiences requiring couragethat could take you to the…
There are times in lifewhen you make an error.Old wounds drive bad choices.The wounds rise up from the swamp-bottom;a giant hairy arm — the wound…
1 When the long predicted stormturned rain to snow at last,Elmo the squirrel came out to play.His happy heart dancedacross the snow, leapt from limbto…
When the snows came outsideand the temperature fell below zero,she stacked up her folded layersand began to put them on. At first, she was pleased;nearly…