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Anthony’s Newsletter

For 2025 I have consolidated my newsletters into a single author’s publication. The old titles included Lancelot’s Tears, Climate Abundant Life, Write On!, Arguments with Books, and Soul Food. It was too much so I consolidated them. I now have one newsletter that has all my writing in it, and it can be found here:

Living into the Rapture of Being Alive

Ever since I heard Joseph Campbell tell Bill Moyers that he didn’t think people were looking for the meaning of life, but rather for “the experience of the rapture of being alive,” living that experience has been my North Star. I understood immediately that such an experience meant living into all aspects of life in the deepest, most profound and energized way. Fully live the struggles as well as the joys. Engage the grief as well as the love. Put your mind to things to understand deeply, then re-engage with new perspectives. Write poetry to discover the hidden in our experiences. Attempt the sacred and insight my own psychology. All of it, as James Hillman said, to “deepen events into experiences.”

Every piece of writing I have completed and published is another point of light in the sky of all things. For me, that rapture has meant exploring into my deepest curiosities—about grief and soul and nature, but also about the human world—economics, political philosophy, and social concerns. It has meant poetic excursions into the experiences of love and grief, and also into cultural outrage at the state of our world. My career in business meant the same for me. So does sailing. So did marriage and family. Underneath it all is the desire to experience this life fully—the good, the bad, and the ugly, as they say. But fully. Deeply. In the bones and in a way that connects to spirit and soul.

My writing and workshops are guided by this North Star, even when they don’t say it explicitly. Some are examples of living this rapture. Some are about living the rapture. And now, some are a guide to living the rapture of being alive. Everything here shares that one North Star. Welcome.

I also publish occasionally on, and you can FIND ME HERE.